Sunday, April 11, 2021

Facebook Live IngestTool

“The Live Ingests tool allows you to test your ingestion quality so you can diagnose connection issues, identify the best video ingestion server for your broadcast, and provide high-quality broadcasts with fewer playback issues.”


Pastiera salata napoletana by Luigi Ferrara


- 250 gr pasta
- 4 uova
- 8 cucchiai di latte
- 150 gr grated cheese
- sale e tanto pepe

160 gradi 1 ora

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Crema Pasticcera + metodo vulcano Montersino

Benedetta recipe

- 500ml latte
- 2 uova
- 4 cucchiai colmi
- 4 cucchiai colmi farina

Latte sul fuoco a scaldare

In un altro tegame si rompe le uova, zucchero, frustare, farina, frustare … togliere il latte dal fuoco e aggiungere poco a poco a uovo zucchero farina e frustare bene per non fare grumi, dopo aver amalgamato riportare sul fuoco a fare cuocere per 5 minuti

Metodo Vulcano

- 300 gr tuorlo (~18%)
- 300 gr zucchero (~18%)
- 35 amido mais (~2%)
- 35 amido riso (~2%)
- 1 lt latte (~60%)

[solidi (uovo zucchero farina) 40% latte 60%]

latte a bollire, si versa un cucchiaio di zucchero sul fondo, cosi il latte non si attacca al fondo
uovo e zucchero frustare, lo zucchero impedice la coagulazione dell’uovo nel latte (impedisce effetto frittata), frustare bene per inglobare aria
quando il latte bolle, si abbassa la fiamma e si versa il composto nel latte, il quale dovrenne galleggiare senza toccare il fondo, per questo non occorre girare perche l’uovo galleggia e non tocca il fondo, si alza il fuoco perche il latter si e raffreddato, piano piano il latte bolle e attraversa la crema cuocendo la farina, la attraversa simulando l’eruzione di un vulcano … a questo punto e cotta, si puo spengere il fuoco … la crema e cotta si deve amalgamare, si gira bene bene con al frusta per legarsi e miscelarsi …

riporre in un tray, coprire con pellicola e mettere in frigo, prima di usarla ricordarsi di lucidarla bene

Choux pastry - Pâte à choux - Bignè


acqua sul fuoco, butto a dadini cosi si scioglie subito, assicarso che il burro sia sciolta quando l’acqua bolle, aspettare che l’acqua bolle bene (non solo un paio di bollicine) e buttare la farina tutto un colpo e cucchiaio di legno girare velocemente finche si forma un panetto e si stacca dai bordi

trasferire in planetaria, non raffreddare troppo, un minuto non di piu e mixare cosi si farrdedda un po, aggiungere le uova una alla volta e farle inglobare, consistenza tipo una crema pasticcera, si tira su e si forma un triangolo dalla marisa

teglia poco poco butto, non carta forno

sac a poche, appoggiare bocchetta sul fondo a 45 gradi e pigiare senza salire, oppure Benedetta li mette usando sue cucchiai, uno pesca e l’altro lo spinge giu nella teglia

seguiranno fato …

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Pita bread (ricetta)

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Scones (ricetta)

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Monday, December 14, 2020

Ricotta recipe

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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Educational tools: class syllabus lesson plan

check on … 0318d4888822924bbe1b13b3c

have many templates for educational purposes

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

2020 06 02 Italian Republic Holiday - empty squares under Coronavirus







Sunday, May 31, 2020

Coronavirus: graphs on 3 months data collection on Italian pandemic

Today May 31st 2020 we are seeing the light at the end of the long tunnel.

Heavy were these days, especially March 21st Italy recorded 6.600 new infected cases, we all scared to go outside.


Friday, May 1, 2020

Free Stock Footage [internet]

in case u need a quick online tool to compress pics


in case u need an alternative to Photoshop and Canva




Friday, April 10, 2020

Coronavirus: Italy forecasted to reach 0 death on May 19th

5th Aprile 2020 forecast and research paper by the Insitute for Health Metrics and Evaluation - Washington State Universite


Friday, April 3, 2020

Face mask shortage lesson


January 2020 the coronavirus outbreak became known to the public. Late January, some Chinese friends were caught unprepared by the fast-spreading of the virus and asked if I could temporarily help to get some face mask form local pharmacies in my Italian hometown. With big surprise, after visiting most of the local stores, I realized there were no masks for sale in Italy.

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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Pope held a dramatic solitary prayer for relief from coronavirus


Pope Francis walked alone in the rain to a white canopy on the steps of the basilica and spoke sitting alone before a square where he normally draws tens of thousands of people, but which is now closed because of the pandemic.

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus: France vs Germany vs Spain trends

It is interesting to analyzes other countries trends and to learn from other examples …

for instance France recorded more case than Germany and Spain on March 10th:
- France 1.412
- Germany 1.234
- Spain 1.231

on March 12th the situation was similar with France leading the group and Spain overtaking Germany (number almost doubled):
- France 2.284
- Spain 2.277
- Germany 2.078

on March 15th the situation obviously blasts in Spain (almost 3 folds), Germany overtaking France:
- Spain 7.844
- Germany 5.813
- France 5.437

on March 21st, 6 days later, Spain is under huge pressure (25.000+), Germany is under pressure (22.000+), luckily France is doing “relatively” well (14.000+):
- Spain 25.496
- Germany 22.364
- France 14.485