Sunday, March 22, 2020

Coronavirus: France vs Germany vs Spain trends

It is interesting to analyzes other countries trends and to learn from other examples …

for instance France recorded more case than Germany and Spain on March 10th:
- France 1.412
- Germany 1.234
- Spain 1.231

on March 12th the situation was similar with France leading the group and Spain overtaking Germany (number almost doubled):
- France 2.284
- Spain 2.277
- Germany 2.078

on March 15th the situation obviously blasts in Spain (almost 3 folds), Germany overtaking France:
- Spain 7.844
- Germany 5.813
- France 5.437

on March 21st, 6 days later, Spain is under huge pressure (25.000+), Germany is under pressure (22.000+), luckily France is doing “relatively” well (14.000+):
- Spain 25.496
- Germany 22.364
- France 14.485